Tips on battling the post wedding fat and getting fit..

While it is natural to get excited and overwhelmed during the wedding and after the honeymoon, it is as important to start planning your health and fitness routine as soon as you back on ‘terra firma’. The adage, “health is wealth” fits the mould perfectly, as post your honeymoon you are now ready to face new challenges and new relationships.

Who does not wish to do away with the extra weight gained during the wedding? So, no matter what your weight, age, or lifestyle is, your body needs a chance to get better in terms of stamina, flexibility and tone. Losing weight without losing your health must be the main objective.

So if you wish to lose weight and stay fit follow these guidelines…

1. Choose food based on your preferences and make the necessary changes gradually. Avoid starvation diets and concentrate on combining the right foods with portion sizes. Please do not deprive yourself.

2. Always begin a meal with salads or soups and fill your plate with veggies more than carbs.

3. Incorporate lots of fruits and fresh, unstrained veggie juices, sprouts, whole grains, nuts, millet, low fat yoghurt or milk, seeds, etc.

4. Have a glass of herbal / green tea before the meal as this hastens and improves digestion and metabolism.

5. Drink adequate amounts of water daily. A minimum of eight glasses is recommended. Apart from this, include coconut water, soups, vegetable juices, green teas etc as non- fattening fillers.

6. Avoid snacking on junk food. Instead, make sure you eat whole wheat crackers, fruits, roasted snacks, nuts etc. when hungry.

7. Whenever possible use the stairs instead of elevators and escalators.

8. Your daily exercises must include cardio exercises and core strengthening and flexibility exercises.

9. Include 30 minutes of yoga for de- stressing the mind and the body with surya-namaskar to increase flexibility and to make your skin radiant and glowing.

10. Pranayam or breathing exercises can be practised regularly. These are recommended to revitalise the body, for better clarity of thoughts and will liberate you from worries, tension and fatique.

The keys for attaining sound health are simple steps like good nutrition, physical activity, sufficient sleep and rest, meditation and conscious breathing.